The Wagga Wagga Christian College (Company) is the governing body and entity responsible for the operation of the Wagga Wagga Christian College. As the governing body the Company is responsible for setting the vision and direction of the College and monitoring the implementation of the College vision and objectives. The management of the College is delegated to the Principal and his staff. Together, the Company and Management Team are responsible for the educational delivery, operations of the College, the development of policy and implementation of policy and procedures, recruitment of staff and adhering to the NSW Education and Standards Authority registration requirements for the College.
The Company Members elects the Board of Directors to undertake the oversight and strategic stewardship of the College.
The Constitution allows the Board to consist of up to 9 members. Board members are elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Company for a three-year term.
The Company owns all property, equipment and sets the College vision and strategy.
The College is registered with the Commonwealth of Australia and the of New South Wales State Government as a Kindergarten to Year 12 school and maintains accreditation with the NSW Education Standards Authority for both the Record of School Achievement and Higher School Certificate.
The College is accredited with the NSW Vocational Education & Training Accreditation Board through the Association of Independent Schools.
Separately, the College is also registered and accredited as a Long Day Care Service as a Preschool, Before School, After School and Vacation care provider under the Commonwealth National Quality Framework for Childcare.
The Object of Wagga Wagga Christian College motivated by the Christian faith, as expressed by the Educational Creed, is to pursue the following charitable purposes:
a) to establish and maintain a school or schools, preschool and outside of school hours care programs (School), to provide Christian education based on the principles of God’s Word, the Bible;
b) to act as trustee and to perform and discharge the duties and functions incidental thereto where this is incidental or conducive to the attainment of the Object; and
c) to do such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the Object.