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care for the individual


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The College staff are dedicated in their care for each child at the College. Structures and programs ensure the individual needs of each child are recognised but it is the heart that each staff member has for the students that impacts lives.

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"We have had a confidence in the teaching staff, that they had genuine care for our child, they had a deep understanding of his abilities, strengths and weaknesses and were willing to put themselves out in time, energy and emotion to enable him to reach his goals."

College Parent, Year 11 Student


The College Counselling Service is available to the College student and parent community.

From time to time, we all need assistance to get through life’s challenges, assist our children and be the best we can be when raising our children.

This service includes student support, individual student counselling, family counselling, parent support, student behaviour management assistance, parent educational seminars, group work and student seminars.

We aim to be proactive and provide timely responses for students and families in need. Our values are based in integrity, honesty, excellence and professionalism.

This service is free and aims to provide a counselling service in a caring, safe, non-judgemental environment for all students and families.


If you would like to know more about this service or to make a booking, please contact Mr Geoff McLean on 02 6923 8888 within school hours.


Meet the COLLEGE counsellor

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Geoff is passionate about valuing students for who they are, allowing them to secure a sense of safety in their environment to thrive and grow. With a Bachelor of Social Science from the University of Queensland Geoff has experience working in targeted early intervention family support, whole-school approaches to student wellbeing, with specific training in trauma-informed practice and counselling interventions.

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After regular meetings with the College Counsellor . . .

"We've noticed some great improvements. He's more aware of himself and his feelings which has been a huge positive."

College Parent, Primary School Student

COVID-19 Caring for Our Community

COVID-19 has presented our community with a series of challenges. The College knows that, in times of crisis, we need to walk together in partnership to not only meet the educational needs of our students but, also to provide a safe place that cares for our children providing them with a strong sense of normality, predictability and consistency. 

We trust that we can walk the road we are on together, encouraging and supporting one another. If you or someone you know needs support please do not hesitate to contact the College Counsellor through the College Office on 6923 8888.


Discover resources aimed at supporting your child through these uncertain times here.

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