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Year 12 explores the Wagga art gallery

term 2 week 6, 2023

Recently Year 12 art students enjoyed an excursion to Wagga Art Gallery where they experienced the amazing work of local artist Juanita McLauchlan. Juanita draws upon her Gamilaraay identity, history and language to explore family connections. As Juanita stated, ‘The exhibition title gii mara-bula / Heart Hand-expresses my understanding as an Aboriginal person of continuities over time, that I share time with both ancestors and descendants.’

Students were inspired by the myriad of exhibitions that included mediums in film, photography, textiles, printmaking & oil painting. It was a beautiful chance to experience local art and learn the processes and concepts behind the work.

We know that through close observation of artworks, students can develop their visual literacy skills, learning to interpret and analyse art in a way that goes beyond the surface level. As stated by art teacher, Mrs Martinez, “Through these visits our students can gain a better understanding of the cultural and historical contexts that inform artworks and appreciate the powerful stories shared.“

Thank you, Wagga Art Gallery for all you have to offer. A big thank you to Mary Egan for leading our tour and giving us insight into the works, their meanings & importance. We encourage you to check out the upcoming exhibitions as shown on the Wagga art gallery website.



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